She imagines its coolness gliding down her throat. Wet with a lingering aftertaste of fish and mud. She imagines its deep voice resonating through her in primal notes; echoes from when the dinosaurs quenched their throats in the Triassic swamps.
Water is a shape shifter.
It changes yet stays the same, shifting its face with the climate. It wanders the earth like a gypsy, stealing from where it is needed and giving whimsically where it isn’t wanted.Dizzy and shivering in the blistering heat, Hilda shuffles forward with the snaking line of people in the dusty square in front of University College where her mother used to teach. The sun beats down, crawling on her skin like an insect. She's been standing for an hour in the queue for the public water tap.
“La immagina scenderle fresca giù per la gola, con un persistente retrogusto umido di pesce e fango. La immagina risuonarle dentro con voce cupa, una voce primordiale; gli echi del tempo in cui i dinosauri placavano la sete nelle paludi del Triassico.L’acqua è un mutaforma.Cambia pur restando la stessa, muta il proprio volto insieme al clima. Vaga per il pianeta come una nomade, rubando da dove è necessaria e dandosi per capriccio dove non serve.Frastornata e tremante nel caldo afoso, Hilda si trascina a fatica dietro al serpente di persone sul piazzale polveroso di fronte al college universitario in cui insegnava sua madre. Il sole picchia e le striscia sulla pelle come un insetto. È in fila da un’ora davanti al distributore pubblico di acqua."
“The Way of
Water” is a near-future vision that explores the nuances of corporate and
government corruption and deceit together with resource warfare. An ecologist
and technologist, Nina
uses both fiction and non-fiction to examine our humanity in the face of
climate change and our changing relationship with technology and Nature.
“The Way of
Water” (“La natura dell’acqua”) was recently favorably reviewed by Simone
Casevecchia of
The bilingual
print book by Mincione Edizioni showcases the short story in Italian and
English and provides an account of what inspired it: “The Story of Water” (“La
storia dell’acqua”).
After the release of the print book, Future Fiction
released “The Way of Water” (“La natura dell’acqua”) in ebook format. The ebook contains the “Way
of Water” story and another story, “Virtually Yours”
(“Virtualmente tua”) alongside “The Story of Water” (non-fiction), which can be
purchased in either Italian or Engish versions.
Yours” was first published in Issue #4 of Neo-Opsis Science Fiction Magazine (Canada); it was reprinted
in several languages in other countries including USA, Poland, Romania, Greece,
and now Italy. It also appears as one of nine stories on human evolution in Natural Selection, a Canadian collection of short
stories that examine the evolution of humanity with Nature and technology.
Nina’s short
stories have received praise for their world building, depth of character,
compelling plot and use of evocative metaphor:
".a stunning example of good storytelling with an excellent setting and cast of characters."--Tangent Online
“…Written with flare and a conscience…Munteanu shines a light on human evolution and how the choices we do or don’t make today, may impact our planet and future generations. The science is fascinating and so are these nine short stories.”—J.P. McLean, author of The Gift Legacy
“…Fascinating dramas set in a world too close to our own…the science was so interesting, combining visionary metaphysical speculation with AI corporate tech in scenarios that often seemed chillingly possible.”—Amazon review
“…Jealousy, lust, loneliness, grief and love are all drivers of these taut and fascinating narratives.”—Amazon review
“…a fantastic collection of stories by a deeply-involved writer, based in Canada.”—Amazon review
“…a well written, thought provoking collection of stories that will leave you hoping the future that Nina Munteanu projects never happens…Nina Munteanu is a gifted writer. Each story surprises and delights.”—Allan Stanleigh, author of USNA
“…Actually brought to mind Niven’s Tales of Known Space…Nina’s stories tease you.”—D. Merchant, Louisianna Tech University College
The Way of Water can be purchased as:
Ebook (Italian OR English) with
additional short story “Virtually Yours” through Future Fiction (Mincione
Edizioni) for €1,99 at:
- · Italian or English, Pubisher
- · Italian version, (kindle)
- · Italian version,
- · Italian version, iBooks
- ·
English version, (kindle)
Print book (Italian AND English) through Mincione Edizioni for €7,00 at:
- · IBS
- · Unilibro
- · LaFeltrinelli
- · Amazon France
- · Ciao
into Italian by Fiorella Moscatello. Print book cover by Laura Cionci. Ebook
cover by Brad
Nina Munteanu is an ecologist and internationally published author of award-nominated speculative novels, short stories and non-fiction. She is co-editor of Europa SF and currently teaches writing courses at George Brown College and the University of Toronto. Visit for the latest on her books. Nina’s recent book is the bilingual “La natura dell’acqua / The Way of Water” (Mincione Edizioni, Rome). Her latest “Water Is…” is currently an Amazon Bestseller and NY Times ‘year in reading’ choice of Margaret Atwood.

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