I know this is Friday and I usually have a Friday Feature... But, consider MEMEs my Friday Feature, which gives me a chance to catch up on them; I've been tagged by quite a few of late. Starting with that Heretic over at … well … at the Heretic’s Place (Kathleen is her street name but we know her as the “heretic”), who tagged me a while ago with this New Year’s meme. Way back in early December, 2007, Terry at Coffee Writer tagged me with the five-random-facts meme and shortly after Mel at Monday Morning Power wanted to know some weird facts about me (seven weird facts meme). With January already nearly over, I thought I had better deal with all these. Hmmm… if this is the way my whole year is going to be, well, I’m in for quite a ride. That’s okay. I like rides. The crazier the better…
So, in the interest of expediency and efficiency (for me, anyway! One of my resolutions, Mel!…) I’ve decided to combine the three memes into one. I’ll still post separate links to selected candidates to carry on the meme, though. Otherwise, it might get very confusing for you. And, as much as that might amuse me, I wouldn’t wish it on you. Really. I’ll post my response first, then the rules and candidates for each meme after. So, please read to the end, folks!
These twenty questions provided for me by Kathleen serve as more than seven and more than five weird and random facts about me:
1. What color do you like most?
I am partial to blue-green, the shade I’d call ocean teal. I find the interplay of this mix soothing and inspiring, intellectually pleasing, and bracing for my soul and muse.
So, in the interest of expediency and efficiency (for me, anyway! One of my resolutions, Mel!…) I’ve decided to combine the three memes into one. I’ll still post separate links to selected candidates to carry on the meme, though. Otherwise, it might get very confusing for you. And, as much as that might amuse me, I wouldn’t wish it on you. Really. I’ll post my response first, then the rules and candidates for each meme after. So, please read to the end, folks!
These twenty questions provided for me by Kathleen serve as more than seven and more than five weird and random facts about me:
1. What color do you like most?
I am partial to blue-green, the shade I’d call ocean teal. I find the interplay of this mix soothing and inspiring, intellectually pleasing, and bracing for my soul and muse.
2. What in life do you fear the most?
Not living to the fullest. Losing my passion, my dreams or my ability to live my dreams and share them with my beloved.
Not living to the fullest. Losing my passion, my dreams or my ability to live my dreams and share them with my beloved.
3. Where is the place that you most want to go?
Today?...Paris, France. I long to stroll along the Seine on the Rive Gauche, smell the river and acacia trees and browse the bouquinists and artwork… stop in at a Patisserie and eat the most fattening pastry there… lunch for three hours at a café in the Mouffe of the Latin Quarter…argue world politics with a Parisian…be transported by the exquisite stain glass rose windows of Sainte Chapelle …feel the fragrant Paris breeze, carrying with it the hypnotic notes of Charles Tatou’s “La Mer”…
Today?...Paris, France. I long to stroll along the Seine on the Rive Gauche, smell the river and acacia trees and browse the bouquinists and artwork… stop in at a Patisserie and eat the most fattening pastry there… lunch for three hours at a café in the Mouffe of the Latin Quarter…argue world politics with a Parisian…be transported by the exquisite stain glass rose windows of Sainte Chapelle …feel the fragrant Paris breeze, carrying with it the hypnotic notes of Charles Tatou’s “La Mer”…
4. Which part of you do you hate the most?
What’s there to hate? Okay… the part that I dislike the most is what I unintentionally and invariably do to others because I am at times too impatient and ultimately inconsiderate.
5. When you encounter a sad moment, what do you do?
Is this a trick question? I get sad. Then I get mad. Then I get even…Okay, okay…depending on how sad the situation is, I probably have a good cry, then I get determined and do something for the person or circumstance. I am an action-oriented person. If I can do something I will. I am most pathetic when I feel helpless to do anything.
6. What are you most afraid to lose?
My sense of humor, optimism, and faith. Without these, I would not have the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
My sense of humor, optimism, and faith. Without these, I would not have the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
7. Name the five traits you most admire in a person.
Honour. Integrity. Compassion. Wisdom. Gentleness.
8. If you meet someone you love, do you confess it or do you observe from afar?
Neither. I’m a scientist; I study, up close. Up close and personal. Oh, and good scientists always get a sample…
Neither. I’m a scientist; I study, up close. Up close and personal. Oh, and good scientists always get a sample…
9. List three good points of the person who tagged you.
Kathleen is a very creative person and imaginative writer. I admire her courage and forthrightness in sharing her honesty and opinions about a diversity of issues.
Kathleen is a very creative person and imaginative writer. I admire her courage and forthrightness in sharing her honesty and opinions about a diversity of issues.
10. What do you require from your other half?
I don’t require these but find them rather indispensible in any close and long-lasting relationship: honesty, compassion, forgiveness, honor, and tenderness.
11. What is the moment you most regret?
When I hurt the feelings of a close friend by being an inconsiderate bully and self-important tyrant. I’m sorry, so sorry…
When I hurt the feelings of a close friend by being an inconsiderate bully and self-important tyrant. I’m sorry, so sorry…
12. Which type of person do you hate the most?
Is this another trick question? Obviously someone who is normally like what I behaved like in number 11.
13. What is your ambition?
It has changed over the years. When I was five I wanted to be an actress. Then a few years later, I realized that the director has so much more fun and creative control. After several iterations of wanting to be a fireman, professional tennis player, racecar driver, lawyer, and drummer in a rock and roll band… I settled down to “save the environment” and became an environmental consultant. My current ambition is to share stories that I feel can make a difference to our evolving culture and peoples.
14. What is the thing that will make you think someone is bad?
Okay, I’ve decided that these are ALL trick questions…coercing us to make a black & white choice when shades of gray are so much more interesting. No one is totally bad. But, what makes me recoil from a person is when I sense attempted deception (particularly the syrupy façade of niceties) to hide greed and the lust for power at the obvious expense of others. Those who purposely hurt others (whether person, animal, or plant, etc.) are themselves hurting and need our compassion.
Okay, I’ve decided that these are ALL trick questions…coercing us to make a black & white choice when shades of gray are so much more interesting. No one is totally bad. But, what makes me recoil from a person is when I sense attempted deception (particularly the syrupy façade of niceties) to hide greed and the lust for power at the obvious expense of others. Those who purposely hurt others (whether person, animal, or plant, etc.) are themselves hurting and need our compassion.
15. If you had one wish what would you wish for?
See? I told you! (Now, if I was smart I’d say I’d wish for ten thousand more wishes!) But, seriously, I can do this one. I’d wish that each living thing on this planet Earth realizes his/hers/its full potential, has at least one glimpse of glory, unadulterated happiness and fulfillment, and shares at least a moment of true ecstatic love.
See? I told you! (Now, if I was smart I’d say I’d wish for ten thousand more wishes!) But, seriously, I can do this one. I’d wish that each living thing on this planet Earth realizes his/hers/its full potential, has at least one glimpse of glory, unadulterated happiness and fulfillment, and shares at least a moment of true ecstatic love.
16. How could you celebrate the New Year?
The way I did, with close friends and family and kissing my loved one full on the mouth as the midnight hour struck.
The way I did, with close friends and family and kissing my loved one full on the mouth as the midnight hour struck.
17. Name one part of your body your lover tells you he or she adores.
Well, it’s obvious, isn’t it? Do I need to tell everyone? Gosh!
Well, it’s obvious, isn’t it? Do I need to tell everyone? Gosh!
18. Do you have a New Year’s resolution?
Yes, actually. Two: 1) to manage my time better and become more proficient; and 2) to use my time better and get more efficient. I tend to repeat myself…I tend to repeat myself…
19. If your better half is cheating on you, will you forgive him or her?
Well, okay…eventually. Yes. Of course. Because I know him and the nature of our relationship, I’d be bound to forgive him. Forgiveness comes with understanding. And I know in my heart of hearts that he is a beautiful soul.
Well, okay…eventually. Yes. Of course. Because I know him and the nature of our relationship, I’d be bound to forgive him. Forgiveness comes with understanding. And I know in my heart of hearts that he is a beautiful soul.
20. What keeps you awake at night?
Nothing. I am a very sound sleeper and don’t remember my dreams. In fact, it ticks me off that my husband can relate all these neat science-fiction dreams he’s had when I’m the writer!
So, here are the rules and candidates for the three memes:
1) Kathleen’s New Year’s Meme:
Here are the rules: remove one question from the list and add your own. Answer the twenty questions then tag 8 people and list them at the end of the post. It’s always nice to notify them too (though most of you have some kind of notification scheme going on already, don’t you? (e.g., technorati). I choose: Bob; Josh; Melly; Terry; Deborah; Sarah.
Here are the rules: remove one question from the list and add your own. Answer the twenty questions then tag 8 people and list them at the end of the post. It’s always nice to notify them too (though most of you have some kind of notification scheme going on already, don’t you? (e.g., technorati). I choose: Bob; Josh; Melly; Terry; Deborah; Sarah.
2) Terry’s Five Random Facts Meme:
The rules are simple. Cite and link to your source (me), then enjoy writing about five random facts about yourself then tag five other people and let them know. I choose: Manchild; Theresa; Marlive; Catherine; and Tristran.
The rules are simple. Cite and link to your source (me), then enjoy writing about five random facts about yourself then tag five other people and let them know. I choose: Manchild; Theresa; Marlive; Catherine; and Tristran.
3) Mel’s Seven Weird Things About Me Meme:
Same goes for this one, except it’s seven facts (and they have to be weird, though your definition of weird and anyone else’s may vary considerably), cite and link to your source (me, again) then tag some victim—er candidates to spread more weirdness. My choice: Joanne; Dan; Pete; Laurie; DrowseyMonkey; Franscud; Kathleen.
Same goes for this one, except it’s seven facts (and they have to be weird, though your definition of weird and anyone else’s may vary considerably), cite and link to your source (me, again) then tag some victim—er candidates to spread more weirdness. My choice: Joanne; Dan; Pete; Laurie; DrowseyMonkey; Franscud; Kathleen.
Okay, I'm done. Now go and play!... Wait!...
That Monday Morning Mel over there gave me the most wonderful award: Bloggers of the World! Thanks, Mel! I am honored.

Here is a brand new one. Come on by and take part in the "Big Bang." It's easy, fun and your stats will take off. http://mondaymorningpower.blogspot.com/2008/01/big-bang-world-record.html
Cool, Mel! You know just what I like! LOL! The "Big Bang" eh?...I already like it!
Great New Year's Meme, Nina. The questions changed so much in the two weeks or so since I stared down TWENTY questions, I almost didn't recognize it. But I certainly recognized you. Happy New Year!
I like your answers, Nina. They were well thought out.
Thanks for the tag Nina. There's definitely enough weirdness about me to share in this meme post :).
Very intersting answers! I really like your response to #10...well said.
I'll do my meme over the weekend!
Happy New Year to you too, Kathleen! Thanks, Jean-Luc! And, Francis...that's precisely what I was thinking... LOL! Looking forward to your meme! And you too, Drowsey! All your memes! Yes, I shall enjoy following them.
Hi Nina - I've just done it and thanks for the tag ;)
Cool, Loz! I read your seven weird facts and they are truly weird! Well done! The thong bit is ... well ... readers, go see!
Hi Nina,
Sorry for the delay; online book promotions are keeping me pretty busy these days! Thanks so much for the tag and as you stated on my blog, I would enjoy what I found once I visited you here. You're right, your responses are interesting and KEWL! It gave me a chance to get to know you some as well as enjoy other posts here as well. Thanks!
I've done it! That's got to be the fastest meme turnaround for me. Ever. :)
Thanks, Omar! Lots going on in Costa Rica with eco-touring, isn't there? A friend of mine was recently there and loved it. You have a beautiful country.
Hi Nina,
Getting around to it soon...
Any day now, really!
Cool, Josh! Take your time but let me know when you post... wanna see what you come up with... :) (That's half of the fun of doing these!)
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