Happy Canada Day, Canadians! Canada Day marks the establishment of Canada as a Dominion on July 1, 1867. It's a federal holiday celebrated annually on this date. Here are a few facts about Canada:
- Canada is the 2nd largest country in the world by area
- Canada became a confederation of four British North American colonies in 1867
- it remains a constitutional monarchy with Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state and maintains a parliamentary democracy
- in 1982, Prime Minister Pierre Eliott Trudeau pushed through the patriation of the constitution from Britain, enshrining a Charter of Rights and Freedoms based on individual rights in the Constitution Act of 1982
- Canada is officially bilingual with English and French
- its official national sports are ice hockey (in winter) and lacrosse (in summer)
- Did you know that our national animal is a large aquatic rodent and appears on the Canadian nickel? The hardworking beaver!
- Or that Canadians consume more macaroni and cheese dinners per capita than any other country? Hmm...not sure I'm proud of that...
- Or how about those 'loonies' and 'toonies' we use to buy all those mac & cheese dinners? Those are what we call our 1-dollar and 2-dollar coins...because of the loon on the dollar coin; clever, eh?
- or that the alcoholic beverage Canadians usually prefer is beer? No need to explain that one! :)
I have a theory as to why Americans do not consider Canadians as foreigners.
Canadians make Americans look good. :)
Thats a lot of macaroni and cheese!
Happy Canada day to you guys :)
Thanks, Phil! We will be consuming lots of beer and macaroni and cheese in celebration (as Kai pointed out!).
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